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Community Book Gardens

Nebraska Book Deserts

Book deserts are areas identified in the state where books may not be readily available to children and families who live in the area. Nebraska Growing Readers aims to provide books in those areas so that all Nebraska children have access.

What is a Book Garden?

Book Gardens are trusted sources within book deserts who can provide free Nebraska Growing Readers books to local families and children. While the NGR program initially targeted childcare providers as sites for books, we have quickly increased our outreach and will soon be distributing to some of Nebraska's kindergarten families. Future efforts will focus on establishing Book Gardens at other sites in communities, such as libraries, churches, museums, etc.

Current Book Gardens

In 2024, Nebraska Growing Readers piloted three Community Book Gardens that provide free books to children and families.

Schuyler Community Book Garden

The Schuyler, Nebraska community partnered with NGR to establish the first-ever Book Garden in the state and has five stand locations: Soak 3 Times Laundromat, Schuyler Public Library, the African Store, CHI Health Schuyler, and WIC Office in East Central District Health Department.



CHI Health University Campus Clinic

CHI Health University Campus Clinic located in Omaha, where initial medical screenings and evaluations for all new refugees resettling in the Omaha metro area are conducted, partnered with NGR to provide books to the children and families who attend their clinic.




One World

The WIC Clinic at One World in South Omaha partnered with NGR to provide books to the children and families of the South Omaha area who attend the clinic.